Saturday 11 May 2013

Bath Time Blues

For some reason, I have no photos of my boys taking a bath; I'll replace this once I do.
Photo by PKMousie on Flickr
While it generally isn’t necessary to give rats a full bath, since they tend to groom as frequently and thoroughly as cats, sometimes they just really need it. I’m not talking about wiping down their tails with a damp cloth because they can get a bit messy or rubbing off excess porphyrin. I mean a full-out, wet-whiskers, soggy-rat bath.

So, as usual, it’s story time. Around the end of November 2012 I noticed that both of my rats had developed a lot of scabs across their backs and even one or two on their faces. They had also started to scratch a lot, so it was impossible to tell if they were itchy because of the scabs or if they were scabby because of the itching. Turns out it was the latter, as a trip to the vet revealed they had lice. I was given Ecto Soothe Plus (I'd link their website here if I could find it) to treat them, which surprised me a bit since it’s actually a shampoo for treating fleas and ticks on cats and dogs. I imagine that’s why I was to only use it once a week, had to ensure it was all rinsed off, and needed to avoid any chance of ingestion (which, if you’ve seen a wet rat cleaning, you’ll understand is no easy task).

Thus, for four weeks in a row, once their cage was cleaned, Potato and Goma got to take turns being bathed. This involved placing them individually in one inch of water in the bathtub and then pouring more water over their backs. I then had to lather the shampoo on their backs while simultaneously preparing to rinse it off with the other. The bath was then drained and the rats scooped up into the safety of a towel so I could dry them off and finally return them home. It doesn’t sound like an overly-involved process and it really isn’t that time-consuming, but they’re almost guaranteed to produce at least one fear-induced poop and, more than once, Goma has thrown himself back into the tub from the towel, despite having just finished a desperate escape attempt. Rat baths can get a little crazy sometimes. At least they don’t have lice anymore.

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