Sunday 12 May 2013

Still Not Creepy

Goma getting scritches on my shoulder
I just found this blog post by Rachel Dickson over on Offbeat Home & Life. It's funny - I wasn't even looking for rat-related posts and yet this one just happened to jump out at me and it's not even that recent! Clearly, the magic of the internet brought us together.

It's a pretty good read, just highlighting some of the major misconceptions about rats that she has experienced (remember my first post? It's kind of like that). I found it kind of entertaining, though, that we both experienced the exact same thing when bringing our rats home for the first time - a disapproving parent announcing that it would never be allowed under their roof. Unsurprisingly, though, both of my parents have come to find Potato and Goma to be entirely endearing (although I doubt my mom will ever quite get over their tails, nor will my dad ever stop inferring that I let my bigger cat "play" with them). It's nice to know that, when given a chance, rats really can win almost anyone over.

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