Wednesday 8 May 2013

How 'Bout A Drink?

Image by Tanya Bond
This is rat-related in name only, but I thought it might be a bit fun.

I was mixing a drink this evening and wondered if there were any inspired by our little furry friends. A quick visit to a search engine later, I have some new drinks to try. Admittedly, they don't have the nicest of names, but, as I'm sure you already know, rats don't necessarily have the best reputations with the general populace. Oh well, they still sound pretty interesting.

First off is the Rat Shooter from Drink Nation. It consists of two alcohols I've never tried before, so it might take some time before I give it a go. Apparently Rumple Minze is a peppermint liqueur, so maybe I can substitute some Peppermint Schnapps instead.

Next is a shot called the Rats Brain, from Bar None Drinks. This one actually sounds pretty tastey - it's a combination of Baileys, Kahlua, and vodka. I don't want to know what feature gave it its name.

Then there's the Dead Rat shooter from Mario's Bar (the list is alphabetical). I don't want to know where it got it's name. I also clearly need to brush up on my alcohol knowledge since I can't even pronounce the first ingredient, let alone tell you what it is.

Continuing on with the negative connotation names, let's finish up with the Sewer Rat from idrink. While I recognize everything that goes into it, I'm not sure I like the idea of Kahlua and orange juice. In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that this one's name definitely has some ties to its flavour.

If you're brave enough to try them all, it could be fun to make a night of it. Have a few friends over for a rat-themed cocktail party and see who's brave enough to try them all first. Or find out which one(s) you enjoy and just stick with those. Of course, don't let your ratties try any of these - I'm sure they'd be much happier with some fresh lettuce and a bowl of peas (or a bit of yoghurt or peanut butter if you really want to spoil them).

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