Sunday 26 May 2013

The Power of a Rat's Love

Potato and Goma cuddling
When I stumbled upon this story about a rat named Mr. Tiffany (Mr. T for short), I didn’t expect anything deep. I was there for a cute story, some funny anecdotes, and maybe a few photos of an adorable pet. Instead, I got to read about how a fast-paced couple living abroad took in a shivering rat, alone and near death, and nursed him back to health. In the process, they became enamoured with his boundless energy and addicting personality. Mr. T allowed them to stop focusing on work and start prioritizing time at home with each other and their newly-adopted pet, which, even after he was gone, allowed for his family to feel prepared enough to have a non-furry child.

It really is heart-warming to know that one lonely rat found in an alley could have such a profound effect on people. He completely changed their lives for the better. I like to think that all of our pets do the same. I know that my rats have become an integral part of my life – apart from being the focus of this blog, they also act as silent, yet cuddly, confidants, as well as being an endless source of entertainment for my entire family. A rat’s love is, indeed, a powerful thing.

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