Sunday 19 May 2013

Too Much Love

As you know, I love my rats. They’re smart, cute, sweet, and a number of other positive, doting owner-inspired adjectives. That being said, I don’t think I could ever become quite as obsessed as Chantal Banks, who was recently featured in TLC’s “My Crazy Obsession.” This article briefly discusses the sacrifices Chantal has made for her 19-strong mischief, including leaving her husband so she can take care of them without interference. On top of that, her son has apparently grown up being treated equally to her rats.

Now, I can understand wanting to get more rats. If I had the time and money to care for them, I would gladly adopt some buddies for Potato and Goma. I can even understand expecting your children to grow up respecting and helping to care for any household pets. I cannot get over the fact that this woman has apparently placed her rats before her human family. A person’s child should always come before their pets, no matter how much they love them. And relationships, especially ones as serious as marriage, are all about respect, and ignoring her husband’s request to pull back on the ratty love to satisfy her own desire to expand her mischief is far from respectful. Plus, losing her husband’s support could also negatively impact her rats, since they’re now down a caretaker. All in all, the article makes it sound very much so like this is one case of rat love taken way too far.

Then again, I have yet to see the episode, so perhaps some of this has been taken out of context. If you’d like to watch it and decide for yourself, you can find it on Youtube here or check it out on Netflix. Let me know your opinion on the matter.

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