Wednesday 15 May 2013

Mother Knows Best

Photo from Go Locol Worcester
Here’s an interesting article discussing research done regarding the effects of rat parenting on their offspring’s behaviour. Basically, it’s been found in several studies that rats whose mothers are incredibly affectionate when licking (ie. comforting/encouraging) their children will eventually become highly affectionate and encouraging themselves. Conversely, rat mothers who are less enthusiastic will wind up parenting less affectionate children. However, this outcome can be changed by exposing the less cared-for children to more affection from other rats (basically, giving them to a surrogate rat mom who is enthusiastic in her licking). 

I find it very interesting that, in a way, rat behaviour mirrors our own. It isn’t rare to hear about or know someone who, despite not wanting to, winds up “turning into their mother” (or father). I think the big difference here, though, is that humans do have the choice to change their behaviour, whereas rats rely largely on instinct. So, while passive rat-mom might be stuck that way, a human mother who realizes her parenting technique isn’t up to par can choose to try something else, even if it’s a bit difficult to change.

One thing in the article I don’t really agree with is the constant reference to the licking supposedly “unlocking” the rats’ DNA to allow them to be affectionate. That isn’t how DNA works. From the sounds of it, all of the rats are genetically predisposed to be capable of extensive affection; it’s their parenting that affect how affectionate the children become. That has nothing to do with DNA (beyond the predisposition) and everything to do with their environment. In short, the quality of rat parenting seems to rely completely on “nurture” rather than “nature.” I’m no scientist, though, so don’t quote me on that.

As a side note, while I was told Potato and Goma are brothers, I suspect that they actually have different rat-moms, since Potato is disinclined to lick, well, anything (even his food just gets immediately chomped), while Goma could probably spend all day licking anything – hands, Potato, you name it.

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