Tuesday 23 April 2013

Two by Two

Potato and Goma
One thing that I’ve always known about rats – and rodents in general – is that it’s definitely much healthier for them to be kept in pairs (or more if you have the room). When I was much younger, my family and I had no idea. Many a hamster lived out its life with only us for company. Unless you can literally spend almost all of your time with a rodent, you can’t possible give it the companionship it needs to be happy. Thus, I brought home two squirmy balls of fur into an unsuspecting household instead of one (but that’s a story for another post).

I just wanted to make a quick point for any prospective owners that it’s important to do some research before deciding to adopt a rat because you might wind up with twice as much responsibility as you expected. If you don’t want to take my word on it, there’s a great video on Youtube that shows just why it’s so important to buy these guys in pairs. Make sure you read the description, too.

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