Tuesday 23 April 2013

Rats Against Discrimination

One of several adorable rat protest photos
I am absolutely enamoured by this series of rat-based“protest” images. Not only is every critter featured quite adorable, but their tiny picket signs really do address some of the most common misconceptions and just overall bias regarding pet rats.

Personally, the ones I run into the most are connecting pet rats with their wild street-based cousins and the “oh-so-gross” tail. I guess I can understand why someone would be so uncomfortable with a rat’s bare tail – I mean, it is kinda, sorta almost a little bit snake-like and it can be harder for them to clean, so it can also make them look a bit dirtier than they are (it doesn’t help that one of my rats has splotchy markings all down his tail). Luckily, so far, everyone who’s been introduced to Potato and Goma has remarked on how easy it is to overlook their “gross” tails for the rest of their lovable selves. Sounds like a win to me. As for the street rat equals pet rat misconception, almost everyone who even sees photos of my boys either admits that they might be wrong in disliking rats or, at the very least, says that they’ll make an exception for mine. It’s not perfect but I’ll take. Well, at least until I can wear them down.

As you might have noticed, too, this set of photos is the second in a series, so hopefully I can track down the first to share with you.

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