Thursday 25 April 2013

Fancier Fancy Rats

Photo by Tom Callan for the Wall Street Journal

This is just a quickie.

 I came across this photo of a very fabulously-dressed rat from the Wall Street Journal in 2011 (the blurb is at the very bottom of the webpage). Apparently it’s from a fashion show held during the “first-ever Fancy Rat Convention.” I’m a touch sceptical about the first convention ever, since people all over the world have been keeping rats as pets for decades, but I wouldn’t be surprised it was the first rat fashion show ever held. I’m actually impressed by the event on two levels – first, the fashion student in me is excited at all of the design possibilities for rat clothing and, second, the rat owner in me is amazed that anyone could get their rats to wear something for more than ten seconds. I can’t even get Goma into his harness long enough to shut all of the closures. I guess my boys just aren’t cut out for the world of rodent modelling.

Oh, and here’s one for the road: Do you reckon they called the runway a “rat walk?”

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