Saturday 27 April 2013

The Artful Rat

Art and photo by philosophyfox on

I love artistic endeavours  whether they’re mine or someone else’s. You have a sketchbook you need filled? I’m your girl. You have fabric just begging to be a dress or a stuffed animal or both? Sure, no problem. You just finished making something spectacularly artsy and craftsy and wonderful? I’ll be there with bells on to ooh and aah and cheer you on (and possibly ask how much it costs to get one for myself). You’ve combined rats and art into one amazing masterpiece? Brace yourself because I’m already on my way.

That’s why I so excited when I saw this lovely sculpture of a pair of hooded fancy rats. The level of detail is wonderful, with every hair carefully sculpted into place. Their expressions, too, are fantastic. That rat on top is making exactly the same face Goma makes at me every time I walk by their cage without offering up a treat. The awesome doesn’t stop there, though – this artist’s gallery is chock full of beautiful ratty sculptures. It took me half an hour to actually start writing this post because I got so distracted trying to decide which is my favourite (they all are, by the way, because I simply couldn’t decide on one).

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