Saturday 1 June 2013

Buying the Right Size of Cage for Your Rats

One of Potato's and Goma's first outdoor experiences was aided with the top of their first cage
If you're a new rat owner, you may not be entirely sure what size of cage your rats need to be comfortable. For instance, when I first got Goma and Potato, they had a pretty small cage, but it afforded them plenty of room since they were still young and small (you can see the top-view size pictured above). After that, they were upgraded to a cage with more height (but slightly less depth) so they had more space to climb. Unfortunately, the lack of floor space made their new cage feel cramped, especially once they started to look more like adults. Currently, they have a good-sized cage, about three times the size of their original home, with enough to space to accommodate a new ratty room mate, just in case.

If you're not sure about what size of cage you should be buying for your rats, you can use the cage size calculator found here to get an idea of what to look for.

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